Police Academy Magnet » Welcome!


eChoices 2025-2026 Applications open on October 1, 2024 at 8AM.  Make sure to apply as soon the application portal opens as spaces are extremely limited!
Clinton Magnet Programs Showcase via ZOOM:
Medical + Health Careers Magnet &
Police Academy Magnet
See flyer below:

Established under the leadership of LAUSD Board President Roberta Weintraub in 1995, the Los Angeles Police Academy Magnet Schools (PAMS) serve as Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways designed to equip students with leadership skills and future careers in law enforcement. PAMS offer a comprehensive curriculum covering communication skills, criminal law, constitutional law, health education, physical fitness, and community service, all tailored to meet LAPD standards. These programs closely emulate the structure of the LAPD's recruit academy, facilitated by full-time LAPD and LAUSD Police officers who provide lectures, physical training, and organize field trips to various law enforcement facilities. Presently, PAMS operate in seven high schools and two junior high schools, and now opening 2024 at Clinton Middle School!